What does Triangle at Pitt have to offer?

Our chapter is beyond proud of the values we pursue daily and the benefits we offer.
Between having a common bond in STEM majors, as well as our focus on becoming better men,
we truly feel Triangle offers a social fraternal experience that is like no other.

Some of our chapter's unique benefits are listed below:


Our Brothers truly believe that Brotherhood is the closest form of fellowship a man can have. One of the most recognizable aspects of our chapter is the strong bonds formed between each of its members, united by the precepts of our fraternity. A common thread between all of the chapter’s diverse membership is that of the rigor and challenge of a degree in the area of STEM majors. Mutual support socially and academically runs strong between members. Our chapter prides itself on fostering a strong culture of brotherhood through running events such as our annual Retreat, and promoting mental health through our appointed Brother at Large.


Our Brothers take pride in being balanced men by contributing to the Pitt community both socially and academically. With involvement in IM Sports, Leadership in Professional Organizations, and various clubs across campus, it is clear that being involved is an important value to us. Our Brothers earn high quality internships and co-op opportunities in their fields all across the country, many times because of the alumni networking system Triangle offers. Additionally, we take value in our social presence by contributing to the Greek community in social events events such as Greek Week, and contributing to various philanthropic events such as our annual Tour of Duty event.

Quality Men

"In order to have a better world, we must first have a world of better men." - Herb Scobie.

Our Brothers pride themselves on being quality men by living up to our fraternity precepts in their daily life, in order to improve both themselves and the world around them. An important value of our chapter is continued self improvement and development in all aspects of life in order to become quality men. We are proud of the character development we encourage, through our Everyman education program, annual Retreat, and constantly challenging Brothers to be the best they can be inside and outside of our fraternity.

Interested? See information on how to join below: